Here you can find more detailed information regarding the background and Xylem Analytics Germany's actions regarding the EU Standard 2012/19/EC about electronic and old electronic devices, (English WEEE), implemented into German law by the " Gesetz über das Inverkehrbringen, die Rücknahme und die umweltverträgliche Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten (Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz – ElektroG).”
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act
The following statements regarding the disposal of decommissioned devices from the brands WTW, Sensortechnik Meinsberg, SI Analytics, ebro, MJK, and B&S apply exclusively to our customers in Germany. Customers in other EU countries should inquire with their local representative and/or their local authorities to obtain relevant information.
A primary goal of the EU Standard 2012/19/EC is to minimize the disposal of old electrical/electronic equipment together with non-sorted residential waste and to achieve a high level of waste separation and recycling of old electrical/electronic devices. As a company committed to environmental protection, Xylem Analytics Germany GmbH supports this goal.
Electrical/electronic waste may contain substances harmful to the environment and to human health and should not be disposed of together with municipal waste under any circumstances.
Proper disposal of instruments of WTW taken finally out of use
Can WEEE originating from WTW, Sensortechnik Meinsberg, SI Analytics, ebro, MJK or B&S be handed over to the communal collection points for WEEE?
The answer is expressly no for the following reason:
Instruments of WTW, Sensortechnik Meinsberg, SI Analytics, MJK, and B&S are designed for professional use and accordingly have been approved as B-to-B (business to business) products by the competent German authority Stiftung EAR (Elektro-Altgeräte Register), where Xylem Analytics Germany GmbH as producer is registered with the brands WTW, Sensortechnik Meinsberg, SI Analytics, MJK, and B&S under WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 29884659. The B-to-B classification implies that Xylem Analytics Germany GmbH does not have to pick up WEEE at the communal collection points as the ElektroG demands it from the producers of consumer EEE, and consequently our products are excluded from this path of disposal. Products from the brand ebro are recognized as both, B2B and B2C. Therefore, B2C-classified ebro products may be disposed of via municipal collection points (please refer to the respective operating instructions for the classification of ebro products).
For the B2B-classified products, we offer our customers in Germany the option to return no longer used devices of the brands WTW, Sensortechnik Meinsberg, SI Analytics, ebro, MJK, and B&S from the production year 2006 onwards to dispose them properly and free of charge.
If the devices bear the following symbol, it can be concluded that the products have been produced after 2006:

This corresponds to the announcement by “Stiftung EAR” that the manufacturer's disposal obligation applies to B2B devices placed on the market after March 23, 2006.
- WTW: The production year can be identified from the first two digits of the serial number, e.g., 06... for 2006.
- Sensortechnik Meinsberg: The production date is indicated on the device's nameplate starting from 2006.
- SI Analytics®: The production date is indicated on the device's nameplate starting from 2006 in the format WW/YY, e.g., 12/06 for calendar week 12, year 2006. An exception to this are devices with pH and conductivity measuring functions. For these, the production date is indicated either after a slash at the end of the serial number or in the first 4 digits of the serial number in the format YY/WW.
- MJK: Before production relocation in 2023, the production year can be derived from the serial numbers. Please contact the respective customer support team at Xylem Analytics Germany GmbH for more information.
After production relocation (from 2024 onwards), the production year can be identified from the first two digits of the serial number, e.g., 06... for 2006.
For products already placed on the market by MJK, please refer to the respective manufacturer's instructions.
- B&S:Before production relocation in 2023, the production year can be directly derived from the item number, e.g. RA 23 094 for the year 2023 and instrument number 094.
After production relocation (from 2024 onwards), the approach regarding instrument numbers has been adopted, e.g. RA 24 001 for the year 2024 and the instrument number 001.
Products already placed on the market in England can be disposed of through our local facility there. Please refer to the instructions provided by the respective branch for further details.
Devices for disposal must be labeled “FOR DISPOSAL” and the transportation costs have to be paid by the sender. As a voluntary service for our customers, we also accept devices produced before 2006 free of charge if a new device with comparable functionality is ordered simultaneously. In other cases, we reserve the right to charge a cost-covering disposal fee.
Customers in other EU or third countries, please contact your local distributor and/or local authorities to obtain the disposal instructions applicable there.
Used Batteries
Gratuitous return of used batteries
Batteries should not be disposed via the household bin collection. Legally, everybody is liable to return the batteries to guarantee a professional recycling process. One can return these via a communal collection point or return them to the resellers/-traders. Also, as we are a supplier of batteries with our equipment, we are firmly bound to do so, limited to the batteries that we use and sell with our range of products.
As mentioned in “Gratuitous return of used batteries,” you can return old batteries to us with sufficient postage paid to the following address:
Xylem Analytics Germany
For recycling
Am Achalaich 11
82362 Weilheim
Meaning of the different battery symbols
Generally speaking, if batteries contain a symbol that are marked with a crossed-out rubbish bin (see below), it indicates that they should not be placed into the household waste bin. Batteries that also contain more than 0.0005% Mercury, more than 0.002% Cadmium or more than 0.004% Lead will show their chemical symbol for these 3 different heavy metals.
Definitions: “Hg” for Mercury, “Cd” for Cadmium and “Pb” for Lead.