
Trübungsgeräte von Xylem Analytics Germany und WTW

Xylem Analytics provides proven highly precise WTW turbidity measurement solutions for lab, field and process applications. Turbidity is one of the most important indicator parameters: it measures sludge flotation – in other words the load of undissolved substances – of waste water treatment plants. An important indicator for drinking water analysis acc. to DIN EN ISO 7027-1 respectively US EPA 180.1 for human use and food & beverage. Particles offer an ideal ground for bacterial growth and can be detected by turbidity measurements. Thus, turbidimetry is mainly used in the safeguarding of water quality and therefore positively affecting both people and animals.

Additionally, Turbidity measurements serves as quality control in many fields of production, it’s washing water, filter loads, goods income control or development. Depending on the application various light sources and technologies may be used. Field applications range from the pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, fuel industry and motor development to the monitoring of the food and beverage industry.

Laboratory Turbidimeters

Laboratory Turbidimeters

Precise Instruments and Sensors for turbitiy measurement in the lab 

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Portable Turbidity Meters

Portable Turbidity Meters

Full Flexibilty with our portable instruments 

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Turbidity Measurement in the Field

Turbidity Measurement in the Field

Instruments and Sensors for Measuring Turbidity in the field 

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Process Turbidity Measurement

Process Turbidity Measurement

Sensors and Analyzers for Turbidity Measurement in waste and drinking water 

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