Population growth causes an increasing demand for food and therefore for fish and seafood. This need can no longer be met by conventional fishery. Reports about reduced or depleted fisheries, fishing quotas or even moratoriums are omnipresent. Therefore, in some countries aquaculture has become one of the most important and fast growing industries. Today, aquaculture accounts for around half of the fish consumed worldwide – increasing tendency.
Besides substantial amounts of yields, farmers are also facing growing challenges. In addition to increasing costs or more stringent regulations, especially water quality needs to be considered in order to ensure good yield and avoiding damage as well as environmental stress. Water quality assurance requires monitoring of many parameters on a regular base. This includes D.O., pH, salinity, temperature, phosphate, nitrate and COD within the aquaculture itself or from impact of agrarian fertilizers. Particularly fish poisons such as free ammonia (NH3), Nitrite or CO2 need to be observed as well. Therefore, Xylem Analytics Germany offers trustful and reliable handhelds, lab meters and instruments for continuous monitoring.
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