Measuring on the go – tips for photometric measurements (Part 2)
WTW with its Colorimeters of the pHotoFlex® series is a market leader for mobile measurements with laboratory quality. We have focused on reagents in our last edition of WATERWORLD for the more and more important water monitoring by means of mobile photometric measurements. This time we will focus on the requirements of the devices. From energy supply to data administration: What should you watch for?
- Handy, energy-saving and weather-resistant? pHotoFlex® is a real field device.
Thanks to a highly precise LED optical system, you can perform up to 3,000 measurements per battery pack. The robust, water-resistant (IP67) device also works in adverse circumstances and accepts two different cuvette diameters without adapter.
- Intuitive, with list of favorites? With pHotoFlex® you will measure without a manual, with direct access to your 10 “favorite tests”.
Especially on the go, it should always work: You will be guided through the measurements on the display: whether you have multilevel measurements of ammo-nium and carbon dioxide or almost 200 programs. Your 10 most important tests can also be retrieved directly from a list of favorites; also, you will find the others in the memory in case you have forgotten the program numbers. The suitcase set includes a water-proof program list including a quick reference guide when you are on the go.
- What does multiparameter mean? With pHotoFlex® you can measure everything from ammonium to zinc, but also ammonium, CO2 as well as coloration as per DIN.
With 6 wavelengths (i.e. 436 nm) and 2 cuvette sizes as well as the combination of pH and turbidity mea-surement, you are not limited to standard parameters.
- True multiparameter device – more than just photom-etry? Unique for pHotoFlex®: Turbidity and electro-chemical pH measurement are included.
Especially for the examination of well and surface water, but also for fisheries and swimming lakes, pH and turbidity are important parameters in addition to photometric measurements. The pHotoFlex® series offers 3 models for different requirements.
- Measuring data can be stored, data filters and site of sample can be documented? With pHotoFlex®, even calibration intervals and calibration protocols can be stored.
With the pHotoFlex® series, you can capture up to 1,000 measuring data sets with sample ID for an allo-cation for the sampling site. A data filter in the device allows the targeted view and output of measuring data, filtered by parameter, date, sampling site (for the issue of IDs), or a combination of these selection criteria.
- GLP conform data administration and documentation?From data transfer to the creation of personal meth-ods with pHotoFlex®.
Especially when data is collected long-term for moni-toring purposes to be transferred, the data administra-tion is an important criterion: With the PC software LSdata, the data backup takes place conveniently via an RS232 interface. The stored serial number and the data of the user ID contribute to a comprehensive documentation of the measuring data.
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