• 24.03.2020
  • Xyem Analytics

COVID-19 Update

We are keeping close to events as they unfold in this fluid environment, taking action globally to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate its impact.

Our first priority is the safety and well-being of our colleagues, customers, partners and the communities we all serve. Our thoughts are with those directly affected by the virus, and those caring for loved ones.

While the pandemic couldn’t have been foreseen, and its impact is beyond the control of any one of us, we are grateful to be working with a global network of suppliers, customers and partners committed to keeping essential services running in their communities.

Xylem has activated business continuity plans at all major sites, and our operations are working to minimize any disruption that COVID-19 may cause.

Wherever possible, we are keeping our major operations running, while prioritizing colleague health and safety. Certain sites and offices have implemented closures based on local government or public health authority guidance.

All our locations are adhering to the latest updated guidelines provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and other relevant health agencies.

Here are the further steps we have taken:

  • We have restricted travel of all kinds, worldwide. Anyone who has recently traveled in countries the World Health Organization has listed as being of highest concern will work remotely for 14 days.
  • We are working closely and systematically with our supply base to ensure they have appropriate business continuity actions in place. This includes suppliers of both physical components and services, including critical infrastructure providers.
  • Given that the effects of the pandemic are creating pressure on cargo capacity and the potential for increased processing times at ports of entry, we are working through the implications on logistics and delivery over the short and medium terms. We will provide guidance to customers immediately should interruptions become likely.
  • We have activated Xylem’s Pandemic Risk Mitigation Plan, which includes (among many other protocols):
      • Implementing travel restrictions, as above, alongside guidance to minimize in-person meetings and gatherings
      • Enacting country/region incident response teams, meeting frequently to ensure agile response.
      • Activating business continuity plans at all major sites – to provide sufficient protection and control measures for employee safety, and also to avoid unnecessary disruptions to our supply chain and operations.
      • Implementing a broad remote work policy. We have encouraged all colleagues who are able to work remotely to do so.  
      • Providing employees with guidance on effective infection control, including social distancing.
      • Supplying sites with necessary material (masks or other personal protective equipment, sanitizer, etc) to follow infection control protocols. In many areas, we have also provided employees with similar supplies in their homes.
      • Addressing any potential worksite contamination events with immediate response, including disinfection and appropriate work-from-home and quarantine protocols.
  • Through Xylem Watermark, we have donated water technology equipment in support of temporary hospital construction efforts in a number of locations, and our employees have volunteered to share WASH education and other personal hygiene best practices in the communities we live in.

Useful water-industry-specific information is available from:

WHO: Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Waste Management for COVID-19
AWWA: Coronavirus and Water
Water Environment Federation: The Water Professional’s Guide to COVID-19

If you have questions about your work with Xylem, as this situation progresses, please contact your local Xylem support team. Alternatively, you can email us at 


We will provide updates on our actions regularly.   
