Actualization of firmware version V2.82 for use of LabStation (bug fix)
For installation and last enhancements please read the section below for software & method update V2.81/2.11
pHotoFlex® pH, pHotoFlex® STD and pHotoFlex® Turb - Update of instrument software and programs (methods) - V2.81 / V2.11
Update of the instrument software and the programs (methods) for pHotoFlex® pH, pHotoFlex® STD and pHotoFlex® Turb
Instrument firmware V 2.81
Programs (Method data ) V 2.11
Download- and installation notes
- Data for download are stored in an ZIP file (*.zip)
- Save the downloaded Zip file into a directory of your choice
- Extract all data from Zip file into the desired directory and start the EXE file by double click
- All information needed to perform the software update can be found in the supplied Read-me given in the zip file
New Features and Enhancements
- New program for chlorine liquid test kits 00086-00088, programs 110+111!
- New language package Chinese
- AutoPrint: data output for all photoFlex® und Turb® instruments directly into PC via Interface
- LabStation: zero adjustments are saved for subsequent measurements
- PharmaCal: new calibration option acc. to Pharmacopoeia (pHotoFlex® Turb)
- Entry of lot numbers for turbidity standards (pHotoFlex® Turb)
- 1 to 5-Punkt calibration for turbidity (pHotoFlex® Turb)
- Unit EBC acc. to European Brewery Convention (pHotoFlex® Turb)
- Instrument firmware V 2.68
Programs (Method data ) V 2.07
Attention: The calibration of turbidity and pH will be lost during update!
Due to enhancements in the calibration menu and protocol the actual calibration data and calibration cannot be taken to the new structure.
Please perform a new calibration after update.
New Features and Enhancements
- Enhanced calibration options for turbidity with QuickCAL and user-defined 1-5 point calibration (FreeCAL)
- AutoPrint for direct data output of turbidity readings:
all values will automatically be sent to the Interface
supporting MultiLab-Importer, connected printers and user-specific terminal or LIMS programs. - Barcode option via PC and MuliLab-Importer for enhanced sample ID
- RS232-output ASCII und CSV extended
- Settings for turbidity calibration in sub directory
- Calibration protocol extended to new CAL types
- Selected calibration setting displayed on screen
- Documentation of calibration implemented in data storage
- New program for test model sulfate 02537